Fort Lauderdale city government services in disarray and sales tax proposed


Many local residents have been disappointed by the quality of services from  the Fort Lauderdale City Commission.   These “serious shortcomings” include staff grievances and dissatisfied employees, and lengthy delays for people trying to get permits for building purposes or even something as simple as repla

A number of city commissioners said they were increasingly concerned about the level of staff vacancies and employees so dissatisfied they leave for jobs elsewhere, about lengthy delays for people trying to get simple building permits to replace a window or door, and how slowly the city moves to get things done.

Commissioner Robert McKinzie, who has made his displeasure known in the past, and Commissioner Dean Trantalis were the most confrontational, while others were more supportive of Feldman’s management.

“There’s a systemic cancer that needs to be addressed,” Trantalis said.