Changing alone Door Lock in Sunrise, FL: Is It Worth the Risk?

Changing a lock on your own in Sunrise FL can be done,. ist is important to proceed and understand the process well. Below is a guide, on how to replace a lock by yourself

Supplies Needed:

Brand new lockset
Tape measure
Chisel (if necessary)
Hammer (if necessary)


  1. Select the New Lockset; Choose a lockset that matches your door and meets your security needs.
  2. Remove the Old Lock; Uninstall. Take out the lockset from the door by unscrewing it. This usually involves removing screws from the strike plate, latch and lockset.
  3. Measure and Mark; Measure the backset (the distance from the doors edge to the center of the hole). Mark where you’ll place the lock on the door. Make sure it lines up with where the previous lock was located.
  4. Install the New Latch; Place the latch into the hole on the edge of the door. Ensure its positioned correctly with its beveled side facing towards the strike plate.
  5. Attach the Lockset; Positioning on piece of lockset (usually containing keyhole) outside of door, for use.

To change the lock first insert the spindle through the latch. Fix the lockset piece, on the opposite side of the door. Then tighten the screws to secure the lockset components and verify that the lock operates correctly. Attach the strike plate to the door jamb in alignment with the latch. Test to confirm that the lock functions by locking and unlocking properly.

While some people can manage change a lock in Sunrise themselves it’s essential to understand that DIY installation may not offer security as a professional setup. Locksmiths possess expertise in ensuring secure installation of locks.

If you are unsure of your do it yourself abilities have any reservations or need a high security option it is recommended to engage a locksmith in Sunrise FL. They can suggest a lock for your requirements. Guarantee its correct installation, for enhanced security and peace of mind.